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플로리스트 Information

뉴질랜드 플로리스트 학교

by kimdongyong 2010. 1. 29.


1)  Bay of Plenty Polytechnic



Level 3, 120 credits
34 weeks, full-time
February to November
Windermere Campus

Studying at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic's purpose built floral studio will help you get the skills to become a junior florist and provide the opportunity to gain New Zealand Professional Florists units. You'll also be able to continue advanced training through the New Zealand Professional Florists Inc (NZPF).

Graduates from our programme are sought after by industry for their plant knowledge, creative flair and professional retailing skills. You will learn:

  • Applied floristry
  • Floral design skills 
  • Design elements and principles
  • Retail floristry skills
  • Computer skills
  • Health and safety 
  • Work experience

Open entry but we will give preference to your application if you have:

  • Four years secondary education
  • Artistic ability 
  • A positive attitude and a willingness to learn

Mature students without formal secondary qualifications but with relevant life and/or work experience are encouraged to apply.

English Language Requirements
If you are an overseas student or a new resident and English is not your first language, please note that study at tertiary level requires both written and oral participation. You may be required to have an IELTS score of 5.5 or a TOEFL score of 500.

Qualifications Gained

  • Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Certificate in Commercial Floristry Level 3
  • New Zealand Professional Florists Units
  • New Zealand Red Cross Comprehensive First Aid Certificate
  • Relevant NZQA Unit Credits

Career Opportunities
Junior florist, display and design work, florist, self-employment


기간: 2005 2/14 - 11/18 (34주 풀타임)
장소: Windermere Campus

학비: $14,000(2005)

실습기간: 4/26 - 5/7, 9/6 - 9/16

예상생활비: 최소 $10,000(주거비,식비,교통비,용돈등 포함)

영어점수: IELTS 5.5 또는 TOEFL 500




  • Practical floristry
  • Ornamental plants
  • Design fundamentals
  • Practical design
  • Retail skills
  • Computer skills
  • Visual merchandising
  • Work experience



    졸업시의 취득자격

  • Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Certificate in Floristry
  • New Zealand Professional Florists Units
  • New Zealand Red Cross Comprehensive First Aid Certificate

    Relevant NZQA Unit Credits




    2)  UNITEC Institute of Technology



    Certificate in Advanced Commercial Floristry


    Level 5, 96 credits
    Part-time for two years
    Starts February 2006
    35 places
    Preferential applications by 1 December 2005
    Programme code CA2315
    Mt Albert campus
    Indicative fee NZ$ 4545
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    Programme summary
    Career opportunities
    Admission requirements


    Programme summary

    The Certificate in Advanced Commercial Floristry teaches you advanced techniques in all aspects of creative commercial floral designs while you work in the industry ?a great way to take your floral design skills all the way to the top!

    All the designs and techniques we teach in this programme have a commercial application, ensuring that they are current in the industry. The theory of design and related commercial practice is taught in conjunction with practical sessions. 


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    The following Level 4 courses may be offered as part of this programme:

    Course no.Course name


    View a full list of courses in the course search section

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    Career opportunities

    • Floriculture field worker
    • Senior retail or wholesale florist


    Admission requirements

    To be eligible for admission, applicants must meet the general admission requirements and the English language requirements.

    Applicants must:

    General admission

    • Have successfully completed the Certificate in Commercial Floristry, or equivalent, and be working in a recognised floral studio for a minimum of 16 hours per week.

    English language requirements

    • Have a minimum of eight NCEA credits in English at level 2 of which four must be in Reading and four in Writing, or equivalent; or
    • Have a minimum of seven NCEA credits in English, History, Classics or Geography at level 3, or equivalent; or
    • Have successfully completed studies at levels 5 - 6 in an English medium; or
    • Have a grade of 5 or better in New Zealand Sixth Form Certificate English, or equivalent; or
    • Have gained New Zealand University Bursaries English, History, Classics or Geography with a minimum mark of 40 percent, or equivalent; or
    • Have an overall IELTS band score (Academic) of no less than 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.0), or a TOEFL score of no less than 550, or equivalent; or
    • Have successfully completed one of the following Unitec qualifications:
      • Diploma in English, or
      • Certificate in English (Advanced), or
      • Certificate in English for Academic Studies, or
      • Certificate in English for Business and Computing Studies, or
      • Certificate in Intensive English (Advanced); or equivalent.

    Applicants will be required to attend an interview.


    Certificate in Advanced Commercial Floristry

    -수업기간: 파트타임 2년 과정 (Level 5, 96학점)

    -Certificate in Commercial Floristry을 마친 사람에게 이상적인 코스로 학생들은 현장에서 풀타임이나 파트타임으로 일하면서 실습을 통한 플라워 디자인 공부를 병행할 수 있습니다.


    배우는 분야:

    -Arrangements and Baskets

    -Hand-tied, Hair and Body Flowers

    -Funeral and Sympathy

    -Bridal Flowers


    외국학생들에게는 영어 구사능력에 관한 시험점수를 요구합니다.

    -IELTS (Academic): 6.0 이상 or (subtest score: 5.0이상), TOEFL score: 550 이상; or 유니텍 영어과정 Diploma in English or Certificate in English (Avanced) 또는 Certificate in English for Academic Studies, 또는 Certificate in Intensive English (Advanced); 그와 동등한 영어실력을 준비해야 합니다.


    Certificate in Commercial Floristry

    -수업기간: 풀타임 32주 과정(Level 3, 120학점) 

    -자격요건: 고졸이상


    배우는 분야:

    -Botany and Plant Health

    -Design Principles

    -Floristry Practice

    -Floristry Retailing

    -Professional Development.


    외국학생에게는 영어구사 능력에대한 공식 시험점수를 요구합니다.

    -IELTS score: 5.5 이상 or TOEFL score: 525 이상



    외국 학생의 학비는 한 학기당 NZ $7,000입니다


    3)  Waikato Institute of Technology


    Certificate in Floristry Practice


    기간: 42주

    장소: Hamilton Garden

    입학시기: 2월,7월(2005)

    비용: $16,984

    레벨: 3

    영어점수: IELTS 6.0 또는 TOEFL 215



    배우는 과목

    -Floristry  Industry in New Zealand

    -Safety and First Aid

    -Floricultural Sceince(structure and function of plants)

    -Floristry Practice(wiring, taping, corsages)

    -Flower Identification and Use

    -Floristry Retailing

    -Floristry Design(elements of form, texture, colour, space)




    -Plant Propagation

    -Garden Centre Practice

    -Floriculture in New Zealand

    -Adanced floristry practice(bouquets, posies, floral gifts, bowl arranagements-upskilling in speed and quality)




    Certificate in Floristry Practice


    기간: 21주

    장소: Hamilton Garden

    입학시기: 2월(2005)

    레벨: 4



    -Certificate in Floristry Practice -Level 3, NZPF Level 3 또는 그와 동등한 플로리스트리 관련 자격

    -지난 2년간 Level 3과정으로 최소 6개월 경력



    배우는 과목

    Course Title
    Construct Floral Wedding Designs 

    CFP Level 3 
    *NZPF Level 3 or    equivalent, floristry   employment six months at Level 3

    Advanced Hair and Body Flowers 

    CFP Level 3
    *NZPF Level or equivalent, floristry employment six months at Level 3

    Floral Sympathy Tributes 

    CFP Level 3
    *NZPF Level 3 or equivalent, floristry employment six months at Level 3

    Advanced Hand Tied Bouquets and Posies 

    CFP Level 3
    *NZPF Level 3 or equivalent, floristry employment six months at Level 3

    Traditional Floral Basket Arrangements 

    CFP Level 3
    *NZPF Level or equivalent, floristry employment six months at Level 3

    Floristry Workplace Assessor's Course 10


    4)  Whitireia Community Polytechnic


    Whitireia Community Polytechnic은 1986년 개교한 국립기술대학으로 준비된 졸업생 배출로 뉴질랜드와 세계적으로 유명하다. 학교 캠퍼스는 현대적인 면과 전원적인 생활을 잘 갖춰 놓은 아름다운 교육환경을 제공한다. Porirua 캠퍼스는 Porirua 항구 옆에 위치하며 뉴질랜드의 수도 웰링턴에서 북쪽으로 20분 거리에 있다. 현재 120여명의 유학생을 포함해 약 3,600여명의 학생들이 공부하고 있다.
    메시 대학에 비즈니스 과정, 간호학학사과정 및 유아교육, 비서학, 호텔경영, 아트 등의 다양한 분야에서 수료, 디플로마 코스를 개설 제공하고 있다. 소수정예 교육을 중요하게 생각하며, 자연과 더불어 다양한 과외 활동에 참여할 수 있고, 학생복지서비스도 잘 되어 있다.


    Certificate in Floristry


    기간: 18주(풀타임)

    학기: 2월, 7월(월-금, 오전 9시-오후 3시)

    캠퍼스: Poirua 

    영어점수: IELTS 5.0


    배우는 과목

    -Carry out wiring and taping for floristry work.

    -Design and construct boutonnieres, corsages, and buttonholes.

    -Design and prepare cut flower bouquets and posies.

    -Design and prepare bowl floral arranagements.

    -Prepare floral gifts for presentation.

    -Care for and prepare cut flowers, foliage and house plants.

    -Demonstrate knowledge of use of elements of form,texture,colour and space in floristry design work.

    -Demonstrate knowledge of principles of design for floristry.

    -Demonstrate knowledge of flowering plants and foliage.

    -First Aid

    -Customer Service

    -Work Experience

    -Health and Safety

    -Basic Computing




    Advanced Floral Design


    기간: 10주(파트 타임)

    캠퍼스: Kapiti




    Floral Design


    기간: 10주(파트 타임)

    캠퍼스: Kapiti


    출처 : 문현선 플로리스트 아카데미 : http://www.moonhyunsun.co.kr

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