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플로리스트 Information

영국 bishopb college _ 영국 플로리스트 학교.

by kimdongyong 2010. 1. 29.





Foundation Degree in Floristry Design

The programme

This exciting new course has been developed to meet an on-going need for creative people who wish to join the floristry design and decoration industry. Enter the innovative and imaginative world of floristry, designing for TV and media, civic functions, corporate events and commissions.

What you study

■ Advanced Innovative Floristry Design
■ Botany
■ Business
■ Computer Aided Design
■ Contextual Studies
■ Event Management
■ Innovative Floristry Design
■ Innovative Plant Design
■ Interior / Exterior Design
■ Investigative Project
■ Key Skills
■ Landscaping and Sculptural Studies
■ Legislation
■ Personal Effectiveness and IT
■ Presentation Skills
■ Professional Practice
■ Visual Studies
■ Work Experience

Special Features

Students on this course are encouraged to become involved with "live project work", which allows them to develop their skills and knowledge whilst meeting the needs of clients.

People who take this course could go on to..

Students will go on to work in the floristry retail industry. Positions available after further training include wedding fashion houses, teaching and working as a freelance floral decorator.

Entry Requirements

80 points at Advanced level (40 at A2) or equivalent
National Diploma in relevant subject or equivalent
Life experience will also be taken into account when
considering applications from mature students


Foundation Degree, 2 years full-time, September - June



이 학교는 영국에서 학위과정을 제공하는 학교로 원예에서 디자인에 관련된 부분까지 교육을 받을 수 있는 학교입니다.



입학조건: 관련 전공자 또는 경력자 선호, IELTS 5.5 이상


1. 파운데이션: 2 full-time (9월 시작)

2. 학위 BA (Hons), 1 full-time (9월 시작)



 출처 : 문현선 플로리스트 아카데미 _ http://www.moonhyunsun.co.kr
